About the Disability Advisory Commission (DAC):
The DAC meets the 1st Tuesday of the month, 5:00-7:00 p.m. at 700 H Street (Room TBD - See Agenda for location) and remotely, via Zoom. The log in/call in information is on every meeting agenda.
The Disability Advisory Commission (DAC) advises the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on issues pertaining to the disability community and County compliance with Federal and State laws and regulations. The 17 members are appointed by the Board and are drawn from organizations serving people with disabilities, or from the general public who have an interest in and knowledge of disability issues. At least half of the 13 voting members must be persons with a disability. Four members are non-voting County Department Directors.
DAC Responsibilities Include:
- Evaluating accessibility of County facilities, employment, and services
- Making recommendations for appropriate actions to improve accessibility
- Acting as a liaison with community groups, government agencies, and individuals in addressing disability issues related to Sacramento County.