From: Kasirye. Olivia
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 12:07 PM
To: Bennett. Cheryl
Cc: Gomez. Liz; Nguy. Mike;;
Thom. Jeff;;;;; Stillson. Cori; Gene Lozano;;
Angela Talent; Bill Fallai (; Moss. Carol; Gasaway. Jeff;
Givans. Troy; Gwen Wilson; Sachen. Kathy (SacRt); LaTasha Richardson; Mahavir
Kallirai; Patty Gainer; Hicks. Randy; Reading. Kim; Nelson. Reggie; Sloan.
Doug; Chong. Aaron; Desmond. Rich; Frost. Sue; Hedges. Matt; Jarrard. Vance;
Kennedy. Patrick; McCarthy-Olmstead. Vanessa; Nava. Lisa; Nottoli. Don; Riley.
Keaton; Serna. Phil; Sloan. Rebecca; Kothari. Chevon; Mori. Dominico (Nick)
Subject: RE: Letter from Sacramento County Disability Advisory
Commission (DAC)
Attachments: DAC Recomendations - Covid-19 Self Test Access Barriers
February 10 2022.docx; COLLAB Testing Map.pdf
To The Sacramento County Disability Advisory Commission:
This is in response to the attached letter pertaining to
barriers to at-home testing for individuals with print disabilities. Thank you
for bringing attention to these issues. We forwarded your letter to the
California Department of Public Health’s Testing Taskforce (TTF). The response
we got is that this issue has been called out in past in meetings with the
federal government when rolling out the at-home testing kits; but TTF hasn’t
heard any updates on any movement in changing the “at-home” test kits. They
haven’t heard whether any manufacturers are working on alternative testing
instructions or test results. TTF has worked with advocacy groups on a pilot to
provided OTC test kits to families of individuals with disabilities where the
caregiver/guardian can support with swabbing and reading the results. We’ll
continue to elevate this issue up the chain and let you know if there’s any
Sacramento County Public Health supports testing at several community testing sites (see attached map) those with physical challenges or transportation needs may call 211 to get assistance.
Kasirye, MD, MS County Health
Officer (916) 875-5881
desk (916) 854-9709
fax |
From: Bennett. Cheryl
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2022 12:42 PM
To: Kasirye. Olivia <>
Cc: Gomez. Liz <>;
Nguy. Mike <>;;
Thom. Jeff <>;;;;; Stillson. Cori
Gene Lozano <>;; Angela
Talent <>;
Bill Fallai (
<>; Moss.
Carol <>;
Gasaway. Jeff <gasawayj@SacCounty.NET>;
Givans. Troy <>;
Gwen Wilson <>;
Sachen. Kathy (SacRt) <>;
LaTasha Richardson <>;
Mahavir Kallirai <>;
Patty Gainer <>;
Hicks. Randy <>;
Reading. Kim <>;
Nelson. Reggie <>;
Sloan. Doug <>;
Chong. Aaron <>;
Desmond. Rich <>;
Frost. Sue <>;
Hedges. Matt <>;
Jarrard. Vance <>;
Kennedy. Patrick <>;
McCarthy-Olmstead. Vanessa <>;
Nava. Lisa <>;
Nottoli. Don <>;
Riley. Keaton <>;
Serna. Phil <>;
Sloan. Rebecca <>
Subject: Letter from Sacramento County Disability Advisory Commission
Dear Dr. Kasirye,
The Sacramento County Disability Advisory Commission submits the attached letter for your consideration and response. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions. Kindest regards,
Compliance Office
H Street, 5th Floor
874-4466 (TTY 711)